Our Partners
Megan Dawson
DISC Flow New Zealand
Megan is a highly experienced and sought after DISC specialist and trainer with a passion to see individuals grow and thrive in the workplace. Since 2014 she has seen firsthand how DISC has increased communication, built teams, grown trust, developed leadership, and increased productivity and sales in SMEs, corporates, and government organisations around New Zealand and Australia. Megan’s relatable and practical training style ensures individuals and teams feel understood and valued, and are subsequently able to apply the tool themselves, ensuring ongoing growth and development.
In 2021 she became the sole New Zealand Authorised Partner for the international DISC Flow® brand. The DISC Flow® suite of products includes the only DISC profiles in the market which include Emotional Intelligence (Self-awareness and Awareness of Others) and Flow 360®, a newly launched capability based 360 tool.
As a DISC Master Trainer, she certifies other DISC practitioners, teaching them how best to interpret, implement and facilitate the tool to maximise its effectiveness and embed longer lasting results. Megan is also able to advise how to integrate DISC into your organisation and assist in resource development.
If you have any DISC queries or would like more information about DISC Flow® product you can contact her:
megan@discasiapacific.com | 021 709901 | discflow.co.nz
Nicky Hewett
Yoga Marlborough
Buteyko Method Breathing, Pranayama, Meditation, Ayurveda, Kundalini Yoga, Yin Yoga, Wellbeing & Lifestyle Support
Based in Marlborough, New Zealand, Nicky brings over 20 years of experience sharing practical and effective techniques to support wellbeing and mindfulness.
Her focus when working with companies is offering Breathing Workshops for teams and individuals to explain the connection between the breath and our state of health and mind and to teach practical tools to improve and make permanent positive change to the way we are breathing.
The fact our breathing is automatic, and we don’t need to think about it has lulled many of us into a sense that it isn’t important. We assume everything is alright as we are still alive! But most of us are not breathing optimally (or even functionally) and it is affecting our body and mind in almost every way imaginable.
In modern times our habitual breathing patterns as a population have accelerated causing many of us to ‘over-breathe’ (breathe a bit too much air, too hard, and too fast). This signals to our brain we are in constant danger. This continues even while we sleep keeping us in a constant state of fight-flight or chronic stress.
This chronic stress feeds into many modern-day ailments and very importantly it depresses our immune, digestive, sexual, restorative, and higher cognitive functions.
It shows up commonly as an inability to concentrate or focus easily, being easily distracted, finding it difficult to see the opportunities in setbacks, poor sleep quality (this can be insomnia, light sleep, waking up to use the bathroom at night, snoring, sleep apnea etc), anxiety, stress, panic disorder, asthma, and a range of other chronic conditions that don’t and can’t easily resolve while we are in a constant underlying state of stress.
Nicky is working with Icing Training to help our participants reduce stress, feel more positive and connected, and tap into their creative potential.
If you'd like to engage Nicky yourself, you can contact her:
Marlborough Yoga
166A Redwood Street, Blenheim, Marlborough, New Zealand
+64 21 0259 2428 | nicky@yogamarlborough.nz | www.yogamarlborough.nz